Grant Application Form

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Should you not find your answers here, please submit your question in your national language to:

    1. Is the Grant Application Form version for filling compatible with the Mac or Linux operational systems?
      • No, the Grant Application Form can only be operated using the Windows software.
    2. Is the number of rows fixed in the chapter 9.4 of the Grant Application Form "Experience of Lead Beneficiary and Beneficiaries in Procurement of Service, Supplies and Works within the Last 3 Years"? Which tenders to single out if the applicant has conducted more than 15 tenders?
      • The number of rows is fixed. You should describe those procurement contracts, which describe best your procurement experience in the light of the current project.
    3. What is needed in order to consider the service improved?
      • Change in quality and/or quantity characteristics will be evaluated (e.g., increased number of the service recipients, new updates of the service, shorter service time, improved quality, etc.).
    4. Should the activities of Group of Activities 1 “Management” be included into the Logical Framework?
      • No.
    5. Is a renovated hospital a result or an output of a project?
      • It is an output. This output would lead, for example, to a result - improved health services for people.
    6. How should we decide what assumptions to include into the Logical framework?
      • You should only include those assumptions which are to be influenced by you or other stakeholders in order to achieve project results/objective.
    7. Can a separate Group of Activities be dedicated to Communication?
      • Yes, if needed according to the project specificity.
    8. Should all planned external experts be indicated in the section 9?
      • Only external experts to be contracted to carry project management tasks.