
State autonomous organisation of Kaliningrad region "Cathedral"

Contact person and contact details

Marina Chevedaeva-    Deputy Director, Development

Kaliningrad, ul. Narvskaya 56 (office) 

+7-9506748907, e-mail:

Short description of the project idea/activities

The institution is planning a project in a small settlement Veselovka of the Tchernyakhovsk district  where the «Kant’s Museum. Parsonage museum» is located. This museum is part of the structure of our  organization.

Partner is planning landscaping around the museum:
1) the construction  of a multifunctional open veranda  for classes, lectures, open-air of artists and sculptures, cultural events for the local community
2) reconstruction of the pastoral garden
3) cleaning the old well, the device forever above it
4) device of footpaths
It will be part of the open air museum which will increase the attractiveness of the museum and this place for visitors, will give a new impetus to the development of the institution and the local community.