14 / 01 / 2020 :
On the 14th of January 2020 Lithuania-Russia CBC Programme 2014-2020 launches the 3rd Call for proposals of the Programme!
Deadline for submission of Applications is the 31st of March 2020 at 14:00 (Vilnius time).
The Programme will finance activities within the projects which have a clear cross-border character and engage at least two beneficiaries, of whom at least one beneficiary shall be from Lithuania and at least one beneficiary from Russia. Each organisation must be a legal non-profit entity and must be located in the eligible area of the Programme. Maximum 6 partners can cooperate within the project.
The 3rd Call for Proposals is open for the project proposals contributing to the following thematic objectives (TO) and priorities:
TO1: Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage. Priority 1.1.: Restoration and adaptation of historical and natural heritage, promotion of culture, cultural networking and tourism development
TO2: Promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty. Priority 2.1.: Promotion of social inclusion and cooperation in CBC region through improved health, social and education services and community led initiatives
TO3: Support to local and regional good governance. Priority3.1.: Promotion of cooperation between public authority institutions and strengthening local communities
The Programme will finance 90 percent the eligible costs of each selected project. 10 percent of the eligible costs must be co-financing by the project partners. The Programme funding for project under the Programme priorities 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1 can vary from 100 000 EUR to 1 000 000 EUR. The duration of projects is up to 18 months.
More information on the 3rd Call for Proposals is available here.
The Joint technical secretariat together with the Branch office in Kaliningrad plan to organize information seminars for potential applicants in Kaliningrad on the 11th of February 2020 and in Lithuania on the 5th of February 2020. The information on the events is coming soon and shall be available soon on www.eni-cbc.eu/lr and our Facebook account.