
Kaliningrad Innovation and Technology Centre

Contact person and contact details

Mikhail Nikitin,


Short description of the project idea/activities

Priority of the program: Support the transfer of knowledge, build capacity and promote a culture of cooperation between government agencies, social and economic partners, etc.

Project Idea

Theme: Cross-border innovation space, improving the effectiveness of government administration by the system of support of subjects of scientific, technical and innovation activities in the region of cross-border cooperation

Overall objective: Improvement of the system of support of subjects of scientific, technical and innovative activity by authorities in the region of cross-border cooperation (RCBC).

Specific objective: Creation of conditions for the development of a system of support for innovators by the authorities through ensuring the functioning of the network of subjects of scientific, technical and innovation activities in the RCBC.

Target Audience: Employees of regional and local authorities responsible for innovative entrepreneurship, support of innovators and innovative infrastructure.

Project Implementation Plan

Tasks (events) and Responsible partner

Components of the plan for the partners of the RCBC:

1. Creation of an international system for the exchange of experience and development of the administrative capacity of government authorities in the scientific, technical and innovation spheres of activity in the RCBC, which implies:

- analysis of the state and prospects for the development of a joint system for the support of subjects of scientific, technical and innovative activity by the authorities in the RCBC  Kaliningrad Innovation Technology Centre (KITC + partner from Lithuania);

- development of the concept of cooperation in the system of support of the subjects of scientific, technical and innovation activities in the RCBC (KITC + partner from Lithuania);

- formation of a consultative council of partners in the RCBC with the development of the rules of interaction and cooperation (KITC + Center for Entrepreneurship Support of the Kaliningrad Region + partner from Lithuania);

- conducting seminars, webinars, conferences on the exchange of experience (KITC + partner from Lithuania);

- development of an information and communication system (ICS) to support the joint activities of partners in supporting the subjects of scientific, technical and innovation activities in the (KITC + RCBC + partner from Lithuania);

- development of virtual mechanisms and tools for cooperation through the possibilities of ICS: electronic exhibitions and web-presentations of scientific and technical developments, innovative projects and products, provision of a virtual technopark ( KITC + partner from Lithuania);

Components of the plan for partners from the Kaliningrad Oblast

2. Development of a regional system for managing the development of scientific, technical and innovation activities by government bodies

2.1. Analysis of the state and development of recommendations for improving the management system of scientific, technical and innovation activities by the authorities in the KO (KITC).

2.2. Creation of an expert-consulting council under the Ministry of Industry, which assumes:

• development of methodological recommendations for the functioning of the council

• Creation of working groups of the council:

- Working group on scientific and technical activities

- Working group on engineering processes

- Working group on technological and innovative business

• development of the working group regulations

• approbation of the functioning of working groups and introduction of the support of subjects of scientific, technical and innovation activities into practice

(KITC + Center for Entrepreneurship Support of the Kaliningrad Region).

2.3. Development and implementation of the Program for the development of scientific, technical and innovation activities in the KO for the period from ... to ... (KITC + Center for Entrepreneurship Support of the Kaliningrad Region).

3. Development and implementation of mechanisms and tools for implementing the results of scientific, technical and innovation activities in the KO.