1. How many applications can be submitted by 1 organisation?

One organisation as a beneficiary or a Lead Beneficiary may take part in more than one application. However, be reminded that 1 (one) Lead Beneficiary may not be awarded more than 1 (one) grant from Programme funding per one thematic objective. The Lead Beneficiary may at the same time be the beneficiary in other applications within the same or different thematic objectives (see section 3.1.4. of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries).

2. Which projects require a feasibility study?

Requirement to submit the feasibility study in not indicated in Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries. However, according to the point 2 of the article 43 of the Commission Implementing regulation (EC regulation No 897/2014) for the projects including infrastructure component of at least EUR 1 000 000 in addition full feasibility study or equivalent documents shall be provided. Therefore, in case your proposal shall contains infrastructure object which estimated costs are EUR 1 000 000 or more, such document shall be provided together with Grant Application Form. Please be reminded that according to the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries, the Programme funding (grant) shall not exceed EUR 1 000 000 and shall stand at 90 % of total eligible costs of the project (see section 1.6. of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries).

3. When it is required to submit the full package of technical documentation for construction works?

According to the Programme rules, all documentation, including technical documentation, shall be submitted together with the Grant Application Form till the set deadline for the receipt of the applications – the 10th of April 2018 until 14:00 Vilnius time (GMT+2) (see section 5.3. of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries).

4. What is meant by the “joint staffing” cooperation criterion?

The joint staffing criterion implies to the allocation of staff responsible for carrying out the project activities by each beneficiary. There are 4 options to calculate staff costs for the staff members assigned to the project. These options are specified in the Annex I “Detailed rules on eligibility of expenditure” of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries.

5. What is the maximum period of project implementation?

The planned duration of any project (implementation period) may not exceed 24 months (see section 3.1.1. of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries).

6. What is the deadline for decision-making in relation to the submitted applications?

Terms of decision-making shall depend on the number of submitted applications to be evaluated and assessed under this Call for proposals. Please be informed that signature of Grant Contracts with awarded projects is conditional to the entry into force of the Financing Agreement (see sections “Notice” and 7.1.2. of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries) not later than the 31st of December 2018.

7. Should the latest accounts be translated into English?

Grant Application Form (all three parts) and Partnership Statement(s) shall be filled-in and submitted in English. Statutes or articles of association, latest accounts and technical documentation may be submitted in national languages (for more detailed information please see section 5.3. of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries).

8. Should the partners carry out identical activities in the framework of the project?

2 types of projects have been identified within the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries to be eligible for funding: integrated and symmetrical. Integrated projects are projects, where each beneficiary implements a part of the activities of the project on its own territory. Symmetrical projects are the projects, where similar activities are implemented in parallel in the participating countries. Depending on the objectives and activities of the project, partners may choose one of the proposed options (see section 3.1.2. of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries), provided the project delivers a clear cross-border cooperation impact and benefits, and demonstrates added-value to EU strategies and programmes.

9. Is it allowed to involve an external expert in the performance of work (project activities) from outside the Programme area?

Experts from any country may be contracted upon condition that contracts are concluded with the respect to procurement rules defined within the Programme (see section 7.4. of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries).

10. Is it possible to implement activities outside the Programme area?

Activities outside Programme area can be implemented in exceptional cases and only provided that they are necessary for achieving the Programme’s objectives and they benefit the Programme area. (see section 1.5. of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries).

11. Can the construction of a new building be eligible under the 1st Call for Proposal?

The requirements on eligibility of costs are listed in the subsections 4.1. and 4.2. of the section 4 “Eligibility of Costs and Project Budget” of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries and in the Annex I “Detailed Rules on Eligibility of Expenditure” of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries. Non-eligible costs are listed in the sub-section 4.3. “Ineligible Costs” of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries. According to the information provided in these sub-sections, costs for construction works of a new building might be considered as eligible, provided they comply with all other eligibility requirements for costs (e.g. are necessary for the project implementation) and activities (i.e. are not related to non-supported activities as listed in the section 2.2. of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries).

12. Can technical documents be prepared under the projects?

According to the section 2.2. “Non-supported projects and activities” of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries, "projects aimed solely at preparation of feasibility studies and technical documents" are non-supported. This means that preparation of technical documents is not supported by the Programme and costs are not eligible. Any required documentation and permits, e.g. feasibility studies and/ or technical documentation, building permit, if needed for infrastructure development or purchase of equipment during the project, should be submitted together with the application.

13. Is a Lithuanian budgetary organisations eligible as Lead Beneficiary or Beneficiary?

According to the Law on Budgetary Institutions of the Republic of Lithuania No I-1113 of the 5th of December, 1995, the budgetary institution is a public legal person with limited civil liability, performing public or municipal functions and is financed from state or municipal budget allocations, as well as from the State Social Insurance Fund, the compulsory health insurance fund budget and other state monetary funds. Therefore, according to the requirements on eligibility of Lead Beneficiaries and beneficiaries, which are listed in the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries, sub-section 3.2.2., part 1), point b) this type of organisation can be treated as eligible. However, the final decision on the eligibility of each organisation will be made on case-by-case basis during the eligibility check based on information provided in applications and attached supporting documents to the Grant Application Form.

14. Can the organisation from the adjoining regions be the applicant (lead beneficiary) of the project?

Yes, the applicant (lead beneficiary) can be from eligible area of the Programme, i.e. from both core and adjoining regions. According to the section 3.2. “Eligibility of Beneficiaries”, “in order to be eligible the Lead beneficiary and beneficiaries shall be located (be registered or have a registered operating office) in the eligible area of the Programme”. Please read the section 3.2. of the Guidelines for more detailed information regarding eligibility requirements for lead beneficiary and beneficiaries.

15. We are the unit located in the Programme area, the main office is located outside the Programme are, are we eligible for Programme funding?

According to the sub-section 3.2.2. “Eligibility of Lead Beneficiary and beneficiaries“ of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries, the point 1) any organization has to have legal personality, according to the point 2) the Lead beneficiary and beneficiaries shall be located (be registered or have a registered operating office) in the eligible area of the Programme and the eligibility of organisations or their registered operating offices must be proven by providing a registration certificate or an equivalent document according to the national legislation. Another point 3) of the section 3.2.2 states, that in order to be eligible the Lead Beneficiary shall be established 3 years or longer before launch of the Call for Proposals (i.e. on the 10th of January 2015 or earlier), each of the beneficiaries shall be established 1 year or longer before the launch of the Call for Proposals (i.e. on the 10th of January 2017 or earlier). The registered operating office should be established in the Programme area at least 1 year before the launch of this Call for Proposals (i.e. on the 10th of January 2017 or earlier). Therefore, if the main office located outside the Programme area is established on the 10th of January 2015 or earlier and its registered operating office, located in the Programme area is established on the 10th of January 2017 or earlier, such organisation (the main office) might be considered as eligible as Lead Beneficiary or beneficiary.

The final decision on eligibility shall be made during administrative compliance and technical eligibility check based on information provided in the Grant Application form and attached documents.

Please note, that in the interest of equal treatment of applicants, the JTS cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of a Lead Beneficiary, a beneficiary, a project or specific activities (section 5.2. of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries).

16. Our organisation is an regional office located in the core region of the Programme area, the main office is in the adjoining region of the Programme area. Which office (main or regional) shall be the beneficiary in the project, only the local office, only the main office or both offices?

According to the sub-section 3.2.2. “Eligibility of Lead Beneficiary and beneficiaries” of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries, the point 2) the eligibility of organisations or their registered operating offices must be proven by providing a registration certificate or an equivalent document according to the national legislation. In the point 3) of the same sub-section is stated that in order to be eligible the Lead Beneficiary shall be established 3 years or longer before launch of the Call for Proposals (i.e. on the 10th of January 2015 or earlier), each of the beneficiaries shall be established 1 year or longer before the launch of the Call for Proposals (i.e. on the 10th of January 2017 or earlier). The registered operating office should be established in the Programme area at least 1 year before the launch of this Call for Proposals (i.e. on the 10th of January 2017 or earlier). Therefore, if the organisation complies with the requirements for eligibility for applicants (lead beneficiaries) or beneficiaries (depending on a foreseen role in the project), and can provide documents (such as a registration certificate or an equivalent document according to the national legislation) to prove establishment date and location of the legal entity (both the main office and the local office), any of such legal entities might be eligible participate in the project. However, the decision on which legal entity shall be a lead beneficiary or beneficiary shall be made also based on provisions and rules regarding submission of applications defined in the section 5.3. “Submission of the Application”), paying attention on which organisation (main office or regional office) has responsibility on preparation of annual accounts and accounting  in the organisation, and has a relevant right of signature.

The final decision on eligibility shall be made during administrative compliance and technical eligibility check based on information provided in the Grant Application form and attached documents.

Please note, that in the interest of equal treatment of applicants, the JTS cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of a Lead Beneficiary, a beneficiary, a project or specific activities (section 5.2. of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries).

17. We are the registered operating office, i.e. an entity having legal personality and registered in the registry of legal entities with a separate registration code from the main (“mother”) organisation, in the adjoining region of the Programme, but the main office (“mother organisation”) is located outside the Programme area, which organisation shall be the beneficiary in the project, only the registered operating office, only the main office or both?

According to the sub-section 3.2.2. “Eligibility of Lead Beneficiary and beneficiaries” of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries, the point 2) the eligibility of organisations or their registered operating offices must be proven by providing a registration certificate or an equivalent document according to the national legislation. In the point 3) of the same sub-section is stated that in order to be eligible the Lead Beneficiary shall be established 3 years or longer before launch of the Call for Proposals (i.e. on the 10th of January 2015 or earlier), each of the beneficiaries shall be established 1 year or longer before the launch of the Call for Proposals (i.e. on the 10th of January 2017 or earlier). The registered operating office should be established in the Programme area at least 1 year before the launch of this Call for Proposals (i.e. on the 10th of January 2017 or earlier). Therefore, if the organisation complies with the requirements for eligibility for applicants (lead beneficiaries) or beneficiaries (depending on a foreseen role in the project), and can provide documents (such as a registration certificate or an equivalent document according to the national legislation) to prove establishment date and location of the legal entity (both the main office and the local office), any of such legal entities might be eligible participate in the project. However, the decision on which legal entity shall be a lead beneficiary or beneficiary shall be made also based on which organisation prepares annual accounts and has signature right (please refer to the section 5.3. “Submission of the Application”).

The final decision on eligibility shall be made during administrative compliance and technical eligibility check based on information provided in the Grant Application form and attached documents.

Please note, that in the interest of equal treatment of applicants, the JTS cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of a Lead Beneficiary, a beneficiary, a project or specific activities (section 5.2. of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries).

18. Can a religious community be eligible as the Applicant (Lead Beneficiary) and / or a Beneficiary?

The requirements on eligibility of the lead beneficiaries and beneficiaries are listed in the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries, section 3.2.2. “Eligibility of Lead Beneficiaries and beneficiaries”. The organisation of the type “communities” is listed in the sub-section 1), point c): “Non-state actors (established for the specific purpose of meeting needs for the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character and having legal personality): [...] local citizens’ groups; communities; public enterprises (in case of Lithuanian beneficiaries only”. However, according to the section 3.2.2., the point 1): any organisation has to have legal personality, and according to the section 5.3. “Submission of the Application”, table 1, points 7 and 8, the organisation shall attach indicated documents of latest accounts for the two previous (for the Lead Beneficiary) or for the last (for the beneficiary) financial years for which the accounts have been closed to the Grant Application Form.

The final decision on eligibility shall be made during administrative compliance and technical eligibility check based on information provided in the Grant Application Form and attached documents. However, according to the section 2.2. “Non-supported projects and activities” of the Guidelines for Applicants and Beneficiaries the “activities of political, ideological or religious nature” are not supported by the Programme. These activities include infrastructure works in the buildings where any religious regular worship activities are held or in the territories of such buildings.