
VŠĮ „Nacionalinis socialinės integracijos institutas“ (National institute for social integration)

Contact person and contact details “Social taxi” project manager Arūnas Survila: email address -
Short description of the project idea/activities

“Social taxi” – a unique mobility service that helps to ensure transportation for people with mobility impairments to a desired destination (i.e. work place, various organizations, hospitals, universities, movie theaters, theaters, shopping malls, etc.). The goal of this social enterprise is to engage and increase the mobility of people with disabilities. “Social taxi” provides a solution for our target audience in Lithuania by offering trips for a low price in 5 biggest Lithuanian cities and their districts. Vehicles used are fully adjusted to the needs of people with mobility impairments so that the person can enter the vehicle independently and continue throughout the whole trip while sitting in a wheelchair. The services are provided by our personal assistants whom are also trained as social workers. In case a passenger needs assistance getting into the vehicle or escorting to a final destination of a trip, our personal assistant provides the help needed. The statistics of “Social taxi” project are being tracked in our website where very needed information about people with disabilities in Lithuania (municipalities where the project is running) is being collected. The orders are also made through the website.

 “Social taxi” is founded be National institute for social integration- organisation which applies innovations to integrate people from vulnerable groups into society.

More information about the project:

Planned structure for this project:

  1. “Social taxi” good practice application in the territory of a Belarus partner;
  2. Trainings to provide needed qualification for future personal assistants/ work with people with movement dissabilities;
  3. Preparation of strategy which indicates the best ways how to improve the mobility of people with mobility impairments and its reconciliation with decision makers in a region;
  4. Electronic data-base development – order forms in Belarus, its enhancement in Lithuania and Latvia. Integration of same or similar service providers into the system;
  5. “Social taxi” marketing campaign in Lithuania, Latvia and Belarus;
  6. Improvement of “Social taxi” infrastructure (portable electronic lift, properly adjusted vehicles, weight belts, tablets or tablet phones for personal assistants);
  7. “Social taxi” innovation installment (A. clothing shop (boutique) for people with disabilities, B. web-shop development where different equipment for people with disabilities can be sold or rented)


Public institution Sekmes mokykla, Vilnius / VšĮ Sėkmės mokykla, Vilnius

Contact person and contact details

Madara Žgutė
+370 60437658;

Short description of the project idea/activities

Collaboration with non-governmental, public institutions, educational organizations, universities in order to allow children living in custody homes to gain new social competences and get integrated into society through interaction with other students living in their biological families, lectures, workshops, individual coaching, team learning, introduction to career opportunities.


Bendradarbiavimas su nevyriausybinėmis, neformalaus švietimo organizacijomis, universitetais, asmenimis, dirbančiais su jaunimu, siekiant tobulinti ir ugdyti jaunimo, gyvenančio globos namuose, socialines, bendrąsias kompetencijas, įtraukti į veiklą, paskaitas, seminarus kartu su vaikais, gyvenančiais savo biologinėse šeimose, praktiniu būdu supažindinti su karjeros galimybėmis ir profesijų pasirinkimu.


SOPA: Social employment agency

Contact person and contact details

Jurgita Kupryte, +37061600786

Short description of the project idea/activities

SOPA has 10 years’ experience of job mediation services, supported employment services for people from vulnerable groups (disabled, long-term unemployed, 50+ etc.). We are interested to share experience in the fields of supported employment, vocational guidance, soft skills training, job search support, on job support of disadvantaged job seekers. SOPA could share the methods of work with unemployed people who have obstacles in the labour market, including toolkits for job coaches, online training courses for unemployed, career counselling tools, motivational training based on A. Boal’s Forum Theatre etc.

Another field of interest is development of social entrepreneurship for those who are far from the labour market.



Lithuanian welfare society for persons with mental disability "Viltis", Vilnius

Public establishment “The moment of hope”, Vilnius /

Lietuvos sutrikusio intelekto žmonių globos bendrija "Viltis", Vilnius

VšĮ "Vilties akimirka", Vilnius

Contact person and contact details



Ivona, Stasilovič (Lietuvos sutrikusio intelekto žmonių globos bendrija "Viltis")

+ 37060011424,

Jūratė, Matulaitienė (VšĮ "Vilties akimirka")


Short description of the project idea/activities

Exchange by introducing a new social technologies and new approaches, providing assistance in community for children and teenagers with mental disability also for their parents and guardians; increasing the competence of proffessionals working in this sphere /

Pasikeitimas įdiegiant naujas socialines technologijas ir naujus požiūrius teikiant pagalbą bendruomenėje raidos sutrikimus turintiems vaikams ir paaugliams bei jų tėvams ar globėjams, kompetencijų didinimas profesionalams dirbantiems šioje srityje.




Vilnius Sports Club of the Blind and Visually Handicapped “ŠALTINIS”, Vilnius /

Vilniaus m. AS SK "Šaltinis", Vilnius

Contact person and contact details



Raimundas Šimkus

8 675 40313,

Rimantas Venckutonis

8 600 17878,

Jevgenija Avedenij

8 676 39097,

Short description of the project idea/activities

Communication among disabled athletes /

Neįgaliųjų sportininkų bendravimas




Womens issues information center, Vilnius

Contact person and contact details



Dovile Rukaite


Short description of the project idea/activities

Strengthening cross border network of women in small business seeking empowerment and sustainable development across 3 regions.




Lithuanian Red Cross, Vilnius /

Lietuvos Raudonasis Kryžius, Vilnius

Contact person and contact details



Gintarė Guzevičiūtė


Short description of the project idea/activities

Social integration of lonely eldery people /

Vienišų senyvo amžiaus žmonių socialinė integracija




Public establishment Vilnius City Mental Health Center, Vilnius /

VšĮ Vilniaus miesto psichikos sveikatos centras, Vilnius

Contact person and contact details



Laurynas Bukelskis


Martynas Marcinkevičius


Short description of the project idea/activities

In communication with BY mental health care institutions to improve medical treatment conditions and social integration for people with mental disorders, to ensure copmliance with humans rights standarts. For this purpose to establish services of psychosocial rehabilitation, crisis intervention and other, also to reduse a social exclusion. /

Bendradarbiaujant su Baltarusijos psichikos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigomis pagerinti psichikos ligomis sergančių žmonių gydymo sąlygas, socialinę integraciją, užtikrinti žmogaus teisių laikymosi standartus. Tuo tikslu įsteigti psichosocialinės reabilitacijos, krizių intervencijos ir kitas tarnybas, taip pat mažinti socialinę atskirtį ir pacientų įsitraukimą steigiant pacientų tarybas, klubus, paciento atstovo tarnybą.




Švenčionys district municipality administration, Švenčionys /

Švenčionių rajono savivaldybės administracija, Švenčionys

Contact person and contact details



Vaida Babrauskienė


Erikas Demidovas


Viktorija Garlienė


Short description of the project idea/activities

Arrangement of public space: installation of thematic parks for the use of sports, recreation and culture events. /

Viešosios erdvės sutvarkymas, įrengiant teminius, pritaikytus sportui, poilsiui ir kultūros renginiams, parkus. Viešosios erdvės, esančios prie Žeimenos upės Pabradės mieste sutvarkymas ir pritaikymas aktyviam laisvalaikiui, neformaliam ugdymui ir bendruomenės poreikiams.




Vilnius city municipality, Vilnius, Vilnius

Contact person and contact details



Jonas Laniauskas


Short description of the project idea/activities

Promotion of innovative youth work in 3 countries including apprenticeship programmes, mobile youth work, street work, open youth work and other services. All services are oriented to young people with law possibilities.




Public establishment National Development Institute, Vilnius /

VšĮ Nacionalinės plėtros institutas, Vilnius

Contact person and contact details



Arunas Dabravolskas


Short description of the project idea/activities

The camp for children and families experiencing social exclusion. /

Socialinę atskirtį patiriančių vaikų ir šeimų stovykla.




Mykolas Romeris University, Scientific Research and Innovation Center MRU LAB, Vilnius /

Mykolo Romerio universitetas, Mokslo tyrimų ir inovacijų centras MRU LAB, Vilnius

Contact person and contact details



Ona Gražina Rakauskienė

8 699 04 257,

Short description of the project idea/activities

Reducing socio-economic inequality /

Socialinės ekonominės nelygybės mažinimas




Public Institution Vilnius Jeruzalem Labour Market Training Centre, Vilnius /

VšĮ Vilniaus Jeruzalės darbo rinkos mokymo centras, Vilnius

Contact person and contact details



Rasa Lužytė


Short description of the project idea/activities

Aprenticeship in vocational education institutions and companies




Vilnius District municipality administration, Vilnius /

Vilniaus rajono savivaldybės administracija, Vilnius

Contact person and contact details



Ana Matveiko

(8 5) 275 4684,

Short description of the project idea/activities

Sports /





Vilnius Center of Addictive Disorders, Vilnius /

Vilniaus priklausomybės ligų centras, Vilnius

Contact person and contact details



Emilis Subata

+370 68725711,

Ieva Ivanauskaitė

85 2 325545,

Short description of the project idea/activities

Creation of mental health care and social integration system for children and youth which use alcohol, drugs or psychotropic substances. /

Psichikos sveikatos priežiūros ir socialinės integracijos sistemos kūrimas vaikams ir jaunuoliams, vartojantiems alkoholį ar narkotines bei pischotropines medžiagas.




Ukmerge District Local Action Group, Ukmergė /

Ukmergės rajono vietos veiklos grupė, Ukmergė

Contact person and contact details



Agnė Kanapeckaitė


Short description of the project idea/activities

Entrepreneurial promotion of social business and non-profit organizations: experience share and creation of common business models. /

Šiuo metu parengėme naują Ukmergės rajono vietos veiklos grupės vietos plėtros strategiją, kuri bus finansuojama Lietuvos kaimo plėtros 2014-2020 metų programos priemonės "LEADER" lėšomis.Pagrindinis strategijos tikslas - socialinės įtraukties ir kovos su skurdu skaitinimas. Šį finansavimo periodą didžiąja dauguma bus įgyvendinami projektais susiję su Socialinio verslo kūrimu ir plėtojimu, bei kitų pelno nesiekiančių organizacijų verslumo skatinimu.Partnerystė domina Socialinio verslo ir pelno nesiekiančių organizacijų verslumo skatinimo srityse, tiek patirties pasidalinimo, tiek bendrų verslo modelių kūrime.




Vilnius archdiocese CARITAS, Vilnius

Vilniaus arkivyskupijos CARITAS, Vilnius

Contact person and contact details



Vaiva Mačiežaitė-Kazlauskienė


Monika Beniulytė

8 682 99793,

Short description of the project idea/activities

Development of social services (housing, training, employment and so on) for vulnerable people (homeless, released from imprisonment and other). /

Socialinių paslaugų (apgyvendinimo, mokymo, įdarbinimo ir kt.) plėtra pažeidžiamiems asmenims (benamiams, iš įkalinimo įstaigų išėjusiems ir kt.).